David Levy Reports on Climate Change
- Climate Change Implications for the Design and Financing of Biodiversity Conservation. Presentation to Joint (Canada-Chile) Public Advisory Committee in Santiago, Chile, November 8, 2023
Download Presentation Notes | Download PDF (English) | Descargar PDF (Español) - David Levy: Are we fiddling while Rome burns?
Link to article | (Download PDF) - Carbon Pricing and Atmospheric Science.
Presentation to Joint (Canada-Chile) Public Advisory Committee in Santiago, Chile, October 12, 2022
Download Presentation Notes (PDF) | Download PDF (English) | Descargar PDF (Español) - Accelerating towards runaway climate change.
Link to article | (Download PDF) - A simple declaration of a climate emergency by itself isn't enough: It's time to act.
Link to article | (Download PDF) - The challenge of maintaining Fraser River sockeye salmon in a warming world.
Link to article | (Download PDF) - Health of Fraser Salmon. Presentation to the 2020 FNFC Annual Assembly.
(Download PDF) - Heating up the bath water: global warming and salmon in the Fraser River.
(Download PDF) - Potential impacts of global warming on salmon production in the Fraser River Watershed.
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